7 Ways to Judge a Retirement Community’s Financial Health

Make the Right Decision!

Since 1904, Presbyterian Living has been a preferred choice in retirement living in the North Shore area. Today, we offer three Life Plan Communities and one rental community, respectively: Lake Forest Place, The Moorings of Arlington Heights, Westminster Place, and Ten Twenty Grove senior rental apartments in Evanston. Each community is unique, with its own distinctive style and feel, but all share the same commitment to lifestyle and care.

Financial Health Guide Cover

Explore your options!

There are many retirement community options available, each different than the other. To find the one that’s best for you, do your homework. Visit. Ask questions. Talk with residents.

Most importantly, inquire about the community’s financial strength. It is one of the most significant predictors of the community’s viability and your satisfaction.

We can help you get started.

We have put together a complimentary guide, 7 Ways to Judge a Retirement Community’s Financial Health, that outlines essential financial benchmarks. From debt rating to reserves, we cover it all.

Get your complimentary guide.

To download your complimentary copy, fill out the form to the right, and begin your journey with the financial knowledge you need to make the right decision!

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