b'Mission StatementsPRESBYTERIAN HOMES, a faith-based not-for-profit, creates vibrantcommunities for older adults that inspire wellness, independence, joyand security enriching the lives of residents and their families. THE GENEVA FOUNDATION transforms lives by enriching Presbyterian Homes communities through generous and responsible philanthropy.Ways to GiveCONTRIBUTIONS CAN BE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:ONLINE BY MAIL BY TELEPHONEPresbyterianHomes.org/ Geneva Foundation 847-979-3922foundation 8707 Skokie Blvd., Suite 400Skokie, IL 60077For more information about planned giving, gifts of stocks or securities, or generalassistance in making a gift, contact Lisa Schiro, CFRE, senior director of developmentat 847-979-3922 or by email at
[email protected] Geneva Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by section 170 of the tax code. The Geneva Foundationof Presbyterian Homes Federal tax identification number is 71-0945228. (DLN: 17053216010033)'